5 thoughts on management + a question for my readers + pandemic response

In today's edition:

  • 5 thoughts on management
  • What's the title of a management book you'd buy for your team if it were good enough? [A question for my readers]
  • Educational material for pandemic response and prevention
  • Tweets and Quotes

5 thoughts on management

People perform up to your clarity

People believe you up to your consistency

People listen to you up to your helpfulness

People are motivated up to the rewards they experience

What gets discussed, not merely measured, gets improved

Of course, that's not true for the most motivated and talented people around, but it's pretty accurate for everyone else.

What's the title of a management book you'd buy for your team if it were good?

If you have an opinion on this, please reply to this email – I read all replies personally.

Educational material for pandemic response and prevention

I've recently been awarded a small grant (courtesy of Kanro, Vitalik Buterin's foundation) to produce some educational materials regarding the pandemic response.

These 10 one-pagers are the first batch of educational materials. I presented them on Twitter last Sunday, incorporated some feedback, and here is the second iteration. You can read a sample below and download the 10 using the button further down.

Feel free to share them widely!

Tweets & Quotes

Luca Dellanna

I increase revenue through better people management.

Read more from Luca Dellanna

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