Training agency (video), new podcast episode, and corporate licenses for my books

Training agency

A few months ago, I published an essay on training agency. As it got more popular recently, I also recorded a video on the topic.

video preview

New podcast episode

Bogumil Baranowski, host of the Talking Billions podcast, interviewed me on my latest book, "Winning Long-Term Games."

You can listen to our conversation on Spotify or watch it on Youtube.

Winning Long-Term Games

Two months ago, I published my latest book, "Winning Long-Term Games." Sales have gone very well, with a volume about triple that of my second best-selling book, Ergodicity.

If you have read the book, would you mind writing a review on Amazon or Goodreads?

And if you haven't read it yet, would you mind telling me what factors influenced your decision? (It would help me to know whether I could have done something better during the book launch. Thank you!)

Corporate licenses for my books

A couple of readers enquired about corporate licenses for my books, so I added them to some of my bestselling books. They let you share the eBook with your organization's employees.

You can get them here:

If you have specific needs or would like to organize book club sessions or workshops for your team, feel free to reply to this email.

Tweets and quotes

Luca Dellanna

I increase revenue through better people management.

Read more from Luca Dellanna

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